Holiness lifestyle standards

QUESTION: I am often approached by ones telling me that others don't live by the same "Standard" we do. I wonder if you would find it profitable to explain what the Bible standard of holiness truly is in a manner that all could understand. I believe many are living and preaching what they've heard in the past with no true understanding of why we do what we do. Without understanding, we lose our witness, in many respects, to a lost world. Plus, we contribute to more religious confusion. Your thoughts?

ANSWER:Holiness Lifestyle Standards refers to what is proper and what is not proper Christian conduct in the areas of entertainment, recreation, association, clothing and etc. in order to live a holy life. Normally, when speaking on this subject, I use the term “Holiness Lifestyle Standards” but in this article I will simply use the term “Standards”.

This is a very difficult area and there are no easy answers or solutions. In fact, the church has never come to grips with how to best deal with standards nor to resolve the problem of division which arises from disagreement over standards. Most have found the easiest solution for them is to simply separate from Christians that don't agree with them on standards. This is one of the main reasons for the many divisions especially among holiness people.

It would take a book length article to deal with each particular standard individually. I am simply going to make a few suggestions to help guide you in this matter.

Standards are intended to assist Christians in living a holy life by avoiding temptation as much as possible. Usually standards are not things that are “sinful” in and of themselves, but things that have proven “dangerous” in the sense that they expose us to temptation. Standards mainly deal with the question of temptations that may lead us into sin. Standards are restrictions that instruct and warn Christians to avoid those places, people and activities which experience has taught will expose them to strong temptations.

One reason that the issue of standards is such a big problem among us is because they are not found as direct commandments in the Scriptures. Rather, they are applications of biblical principles of holiness. For example: modesty of dress and covering one's nakedness. These are principles agreed upon by almost all holiness teachers. But it is in the application of these biblical principles where most disagreement is found. The disagreement is in defining what modesty is and what clothing it requires a Christian to wear or not to wear. One of the main reasons for disagreement is that standards are not spelled out clearly in the Scriptures in so many words.

Many standards were developed from the struggles that Christians have experienced with certain temptations. Since Christians experience different temptations in varying degrees they disagree on what should be required. What may prove to be a problem to one Christian may not be a problem to another.

Some standards are traditional in nature that is they were handed down from previous generations.  Some traditional standards are outdated because of changing situations in our culture concerning temptation and sin. Standards are not eternal commandments but godly counsel that change with the times.

Standards also include a corporate aspect. It is not just your personal experience with temptation that is involved in the matter of standards but also the experience of those with whom you worship. That is, the church as a whole. It is in the corporate aspect of standards where most of our problems arise. By that I mean your personal standards may not be accepted by the congregation or on the other hand you may not accept the congregation’s standards.

In our struggles with the problem of standards within a congregation it is usually the pastor who sets congregational standards. To increase the problem and cause confusion among us, our pastors disagree very much among themselves concerning what should be required. This is the reason that standards are so different from one congregation to another.

In our circles, pastors are branded either liberal or conservative according to what standards they hold or don't hold. There are normally two ways in which standards are preached and both have their problems.

1st  Some pastors will say, “God has shown me” and demand obedience by making the standards that he believes in a test of the reality of your relationship with God.

2nd  Other pastors attempt to explain why standards are necessary but often the people find his reasons and arguments unconvincing.

Those who are very rigid are more successful in holding the standard but they make people feel that they are in bondage. On the other hand, pastors who have simply erased this issue from their repertoire of messages leave the people at the mercy of temptation.

We will forever continue to divide as long as standards are taught as commandments of God and not as safeguards against temptation. Standards should be taught as godly counsel that is wisdom and advice to assist you in living a holy life.

Standards have fallen out of favor with most Christians today because of the very low spiritual condition that exists everywhere. In a time when people are seeking to get closer to God, standards are more strictly adhered to. To enforce standards on people not seeking to be completely committed to God and holiness will only drive them out of our churches. This is the dilemma of present-day pastors: How to guide people through present-day spiritual pitfalls and temptations without driving them away. There will always be overzealous promoters of holiness on one hand and people who want to have freedom to do whatever they want to do on the other hand. And I am convinced that without a deeper depth of desire and commitment TO KNOW WHAT IS REALLY TRUE ABOUT STANDARDS we are hopelessly trapped in an ongoing series of dividing and subdividing.

I realize that I may not have answered your question to your satisfaction. But these are the thoughts that came to my mind as I meditated on your question. I am one who is not a stranger to the battle over standards. A large portion of my ministry has been an attempt to bring a clearer understanding of the problems that are involved in the issue of standards. To those on the liberal side of the issue, I have attempted to help them see the necessity of standards which in turn has cost me my place among them. And on the other hand, to those who are very rigid, I have attempted to help them see that often their reasons and arguments are unconvincing to an intelligent and thinking audience. And this in turn has caused many on the conservative side of the issue of standards to consider me a compromiser.

I honestly believe that the real problem among us on the issue of standards is an unwillingness to thoroughly investigate all aspects of the truth that are involved in this issue. The vast majority are so deeply committed to their own opinions that they are not willing to investigate. In fact many of them are afraid to carefully and thoroughly investigate less they find that they have been wrong. Conservatives by nature cling to the past while liberals want liberty for everything. I have been honest with both sides on the issue of standards. But more often than not it is left me out in the cold with no place to really call home. But I can tell you honestly, I have no regrets for I am going to the judgment with an absolute honest heart. God knows this is true.