Down but not out

Psa 37:24Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.

Yesterday, in the previous verse, we saw that God is directing the course of our life.  However, that does not exempt us from difficulty.  “Though he fall”…..It has the idea of falling in the sense of calamity, or falling into loss, being knocked down by an event of life; trouble and adversity coming into our life.  One can have the course of their life directed by God and yet fall, or be knocked down.  The encouragement of this passage is found in this verse: Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down.  Not utterly cast down, not cast headlong, not wiped out.  Calamity is temporary in the life of one who is directed by God.  Mistakes, failures, losses don’t have to dictate our life’s course. Failure is not permanent.  Notice, we are not utterly cast down because of God’s strength:    for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. God is able to lift us back up.  The fall does not remove us from the course of life God is establishing us in.  This is a source of great confidence and strength in our life; this is a source of great joy in our life.  Press forward with confidence in the Lord.