Always the same

(Heb 13:8 KJV)  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.


We live in a constantly changing world.  Change brings uncertainty; change is one of our biggest sources of stress.  In a world where everything changes, one thing remains the same:  God is the same.  God never changes.  He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Created things have a beginning and ending, but not God, the Creator. He cannot change for the better, because He is perfect;  He cannot change for the worse,  He does not get stronger, or weaker, as time goes by.  He does not grow wiser, because He has always known all things. He isn’t getting older, He isn’t getting tired.  In a world that is always changing, God remains the same.  We know Him.  We can trust Him.  We can trust His Word. We can trust His Promises. He is where we turn to find stability and security in an ever changing world.