Fervent prayer avails much

(James 5:16 KJV)  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

God hears the prayer of the righteous - those who are sincere, those who love Him.  Fervent prayer accomplishes much.  Elijah prayed and it didn’t rain for 3 ½ years;  he prayed again and the drought ended. Fire came down from heaven in answer to his prayer.  In the past, prayer has caused the sun to stand still; God has moved to defeat armies, change rulers in answer to prayer. God has stopped the mouths of lions, kept from the harm of the furnace, healed the sick, raised the dead in answer to prayer.  God has caused the meal and oil to not run out; God has multiplied the oil to pay debts and provide a living in answer to prayer. Whatever our need, God is able; not only is He able, He has probably promised it in His Word.  He has probably already done the same for someone else in answer to prayer.  Your prayer can be powerful and effective and accomplish much.  Our prayer, your prayer, can avail much, can accomplish much. Pray; pray fervently, earnestly, seek God for what you need.