Make God's goodness known in thanksgiving

Psa_105:1  O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people

 Our God is worthy of praise and thanks.  God is faithful to answer when we call on His name and seek His help.  We have experienced an unusual amount of difficulties and trials recently, yet God has proven Himself to be faithful in every situation.  We are to let those around us know of God’s faithfulness and the help He gives us.  Let’s make sure we give God the thanks and praise that He is worthy of.  First, let’s make sure we express our thankfulness to God in our time of private prayer.  Let His goodness fill your heart.  Then, express your thankfulness for God’s goodness and faithfulness to your family, your friends and those around us.  Our God is faithful and good…let’s give Him the praise He deserves.