God cares

Luke 12:6  Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? Luke 12:7  But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

God sees all, knows all.  He sees everything that happens in His creation.  Even the little sparrows, which have little value or significance in this world, are seen of God.  Not one of them falls to the ground without God seeing and caring.  God knows all about us.  He knows more about us than we know about our selves.  He knows every detail, even insignificant details like the number of hairs on our head.  Jesus reminds us that we need not fear, need not worry.  If God concerns Himself with these lesser things, how much more can He be depended on to take care of His own children.  I pray our faith take in God’s great concern and care, and allow our faith to replace our worries and fears.