(Hab 3:2 KJV) O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.
Habakkuk lived in a time that the children of Israel had went away from God. In light of the threatened judgment of his day, Habakkuk feared. He prayed for mercy and a renewal of the work of God, in the midst of years, in his own day. To revive means to bring back to life, to restore vigor, to renew after neglect. We live in a dark day when many have abandoned God. We need to seek God to revive His Work again. To first revive His own work, His own interests, His own church. One of our most earnest prayers should be for the awakening and reviving of the work of God. Many have lost hope of seeing God work and have quit earnestly praying for revival. God is able to revive us again. God is able to work as He has worked in times past. Our God remains the same. His mercy and compassion is the same. His power is the same. God is able to do more than we can even imagine, just as He has in the past. Consider the threatened judgment on peoples who take the path our society is taking. Seek God for a reviving in ourselves and in the work of God.