He will sustain us

(Psa 55:22 KJV)  Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

 There are times when we seem to be overwhelmed with needs.  There seems to be an unusual amount of trials and difficulties at this time.  There are also a number of worrisome and fearful situations.  These troubles and fears can threaten to overwhelm us and cause us to stumble.  But we have a promise, a promise from the very Creator of the universe.  If we will bring our anxieties and problems to Him, He will sustain us.  He will hold us up, and never allow us to be caused to stumble and fall.  I know there are many things we face that are far bigger than our wisdom and power.  But they are no match for God.  Take them to God, rely on Him, trust Him.  He will not fail.  He will not allow them to move us, to shake us or stagger us, so as to call us to fall.  Trust Him.